with simplicity and honesty, we use these guidelines in developing
all of our branding approaches, no matter what product or service.
Cultural Kiosks. Whether its ferries in Michigan, silos
in Indiana, or sidewalks in New York, find your target audiences
Cultural Kiosks and put your messages on them. Putting your messages
where they are not expected is as important as crafting your messages
in ways that are not expected.
consistent and persistent in the branding effort. Branding a product
is like moving a freight train down the line. The more momentum
you build up, the more difficult it is for the competition to
stop it. Conversely, whenever you slow down, it takes twice the
effort to get it moving again. Branding isnt a question
of months, even years. Its a lifetime commitment. Just ask
intelligently. Use research where it does the most good. Knowledge
is not a finite thing, its a growing encyclopedia of what
works and what doesnt. Front load research both primary
and secondary for better strategy. Test concepts against strategy
before executing messages. Then test after the effort to help
front load the next phase. And use quantitative research judiciously.
When it comes to people, research is still more art than science.
Qualitative research may not be mofo statistically accurate, but
it usually gives you a more realistic picture of the world in
which you must communicate.
change while keeping your arms around what works. Use new media
where appropriate, but branding will always need a blend of conventional,
as well as unconventional tools to be effective. There is no one
best way to get to the target audience, in message or media. So
use as many tools as your budget allows and make sure that the
effort of each one builds off the other.
finally, the personality of any brand must be embodied by the
organization that gives it life. The essence of any brand, therefore,
must be seamlessly conveyed to the external consuming audience,
as well as the internal constituency. The power of any successful
brand is in keeping the promise it makes to the consumer. Internal
branding helps you more consistently deliver on the promise. Which
in the long run, is the only way you can build a brand successfully.
It is critical then that the organizationand its peopleensure
the brand promise is maintained. So, branding efforts must be
as vigorous to the internal audience as they are to the external