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A Company Of Entrepreneurs Information Sharing From Concept To Reality
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A Company Of Entrepreneurs

GET IT DONE. These three words are the backbone of A2Z Graphics. Because of its structure, A2Z Graphics is able to process information, develop strategic direction, and produce and implement communication tactics in far less time than “bulky” agencies. Though work moves through quickly, A2Z Graphics carefully scans the communication landscape, completes necessary fact-finding endeavors, including interviews with internal and external audiences, and reviews analytical data in an effort to begin the communication process in an efficient manner. It all gets done fast because each individual team member acts as an entrepreneur. Making decisions, taking initiative. Making sure the work is done. And done right.

It is A2Z Graphics’ assertion that for communication to be effective it must be “out there” from all angles. It is impossible for the desired audience to interact with a client’s message fully if the creative focus of the message is limited strictly to its execution. Each aspect of the message, including strategic development, execution, and placement are given equal consideration and focus. This process of developing, executing and implementing communication not only gets the message to the market sooner, but more cost effectively to the client. And money saved on developing the message is frequently applied to increasing the frequency with which the message is delivered.

Information Sharing

Part and parcel of this technique is access to internal and external data people, numbers & information. A2Z Graphics believes it is essential to have access to information that will enable it to develop a new view of a client’s product or service. A2Z Graphics understands it will never have the depth of knowledge clients have relative to their product or service, however, A2Z Graphics feels it can provide effective communications counsel through open access to the knowledge of client’s business and competitive challenges.

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From Concept To Reality


  • Listen
  • Collect information
  • Identify problems
  • Identify audience
  • Establish goals
  • Prepare schedule
  • Present budget
  • Get client approval


  • Research
  • Structure information
  • Consider options
  • Design
  • Problem-solve
  • Propose options
  • Get client approval


  • Elaborate chosen concept
  • Clarify objectives
  • Perfect ideas
  • Refine details
  • Present work in progress
  • Get client approval


  • Prepare content
  • Generate artwork
  • Design
  • Make changes
  • Get client approval
  • Prepare documents for suppliers
  • Release files


  • Coordinate with suppliers
  • Control costs and schedules
  • Oversee final proofs
  • Get final client approval
  • Supervise production
  • Deliver

©2009 A2Z Graphics. All Rights Reserved
Los Angeles, California